Simplified Teams & Integrations

How to invite team members and assign roles

Team spaces are a great way to stay organized with your team. Inviting team members and assigning them different roles has never been easier!

1- Start by access your team space in the left hand side menu of any of the homepages. Select your team space and then click the three dot icon next to the name of your team space.

2- Then choose “Add Teamspace Member”

3- A new window open up where you will be able to type in the email address of the person you want to send an invitation to.

4- Next to this field, select the dropdown to select this person’s team role. Choose from Approver, Creator, Full Member, and Admin. You will see a description under each option that details the different access levels for each category.

5- Once you’ve entered the email and selected the access click the “Invite” button. An email will be sent to this person and all they have to do is click the link and follow the instructions. They will join your teamspace in no time!

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