Effortlessly Change Backgrounds with Our Background Remover

Instant Bg Remover

Free Background Eraser

Remove Background Online

Background Photo Editing

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AI Remove Background
AI Customize Background
AI Design Background
Change Backgrounds in a Snap

Change Backgrounds in a Snap

Seamlessly replace the backdrop of your images, whether they're photographs, illustrations, or sourced from anywhere. Our user-friendly tool accommodates images in any format. With a single click, you can achieve a top-notch image with a transparent backdrop, ideal for all your marketing requirements. Once the background is removed, you can customize it by incorporating colors, gradients, and images.

Changing the Background of an Image - Step by Step


Upload Your Image: Begin by uploading your image. You can do this easily by either dragging and dropping the image or browsing your drive to select it.


Remove the Background: Once your image is uploaded, click on the 'Background Remover' tool. This will swiftly remove the existing background, leaving your subject ready for a new backdrop.


Customize Your Background: Now, head over to our Simplified Design Editor. Here, you have the creative freedom to enhance your image by adding color, gradients, or even another image to create your desired background.

Start Removing Backgrounds

Effortlessly Edit Images Like a Pro

Create professional-grade images for product listings, social media, websites, newsletters, brochures, books, and more with our magic background remover. Add a different background or add graphics and components, resize, animate, and add filters with our free digital art studio.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a free version of Simplified?

Yes! We have a Free Forever plan, which will stay free...forever. If you're an agency, freelancer, or team looking to use our essential design features, this is the plan for you. Get unlimited design projects, 1000+ fonts, millions of photos, thousands of templates and icons instant publishing, and 1GB of storage.

Everything you need to design like a pro

One powerful tool to help you start and finish designing in seconds. Empower yourself and your team to create content that converts with one-click image animations.

What if I have no experience in design or copywriting?

Don't sweat it, we've got you covered! With hundreds of stunning customizable design templates as well as photo, video, and graphic assets, you'll never have to start from scratch again. You can feed our AI any words, phrases, or even websites you love, and it will have a one-of-kind copy ready for you in seconds!

How quickly can I get customer support?

Send us an email and we'll get back to you within 24 hours. We'd love to hear from you!