
What do you mean by "Savage"?

The term "savage" is used to describe someone who is ruthless or cruel in a cool or impressive way. It can be used to describe someone who is physically aggressive or someone who is verbally abusive. However, it is often used in a more positive sense, to describe someone who is confident and assertive. For example, you might say "that guy was savage in that fight" or "she's so savage, she always gets what she wants.

Here are some tips on how to use the term "Savage" in your social media posts to emphasize a point or opinion:

Use it to describe someone who is witty, quick-witted, and has a sharp tongue. For example, you could say "That was a savage burn!" or "She's so savage, I love it!"Use it to describe someone who is not afraid to speak their mind, even if it's not popular. For example, you could say "That was a savage truth bomb!" or "She's a savage, but I respect her for it."

Use it to describe someone who is not afraid to stand up for what they believe in, even if it means going against the grain. For example, you could say "That was a savage act of defiance!" or "She's a savage, and I'm here for it."

Here are some tips on how to avoid using the term "Savage" in a way that comes across as arrogant or condescending:

Don't use it to put down or insult someone. The term "Savage" should not be used to make someone feel bad about themselves. It should be used to celebrate someone's wit or courage.

Don't use it to brag about yourself. The term "Savage" should not be used to make yourself look better than others. It should be used to celebrate the accomplishments of others.

Use it in a conversational tone. When you're using the term "Savage," try to make it sound like you're having a conversation with your audience, rather than lecturing them. This will make your posts more engaging and less off-putting.

Here are some examples of how celebrities and influencers use the term "Savage" in their social media posts:

Cardi B: "I'm so savage, I don't give a f*ck!"

Kim Kardashian: "That was a savage clapback!"

Kylie Jenner: "She's so savage, I love her!"

Justin Bieber: "That was a savage diss track!"

Selena Gomez: "She's a savage, but I respect her for it."

As you can see, celebrities and influencers use the term "Savage" in a variety of ways to emphasize a point or opinion. They use it in a way that is witty, bold, and empowering.

They avoid using it in a way that is arrogant or condescending.

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