Fit check

What do you mean by "Fit Check"?

The term "fit check" is used to request someone to assess your appearance. It is often used in a social media context, when someone is posting a picture of themselves and wants to know what other people think. For example, you might say "fit check, what do you think of my new outfit?" or "I need a fit check, am I doing this right?

Here are some tips on how to use the term "Fit check" in your social media posts to emphasize a point or opinion:

Use it to ask for feedback on your outfit. For example, you could say "Fit check, what do you think?" or "Is this outfit working for me?"

Use it to show off your new outfit. For example, you could say "Fit check, I'm feeling myself today!" or "This outfit is a total #fitcheck."

Use it to start a conversation about fashion. For example, you could say "Fit check, what's your favorite outfit of the week?" or "I'm looking for some outfit inspiration, what do you recommend?"

Here are some tips on how to avoid using the term "Fit check" in a way that comes across as arrogant or condescending:

Don't use it to make fun of someone's outfit. The term "Fit check" should not be used to put someone down or make them feel bad about their clothes. It should be used to celebrate someone's sense of style.

Don't use it to brag about your own outfit. The term "Fit check" should not be used to make yourself look better than others. It should be used to start a conversation about fashion and to get feedback on your own outfit.

Use it in a conversational tone. When you're using the term "Fit check," try to make it sound like you're having a conversation with your audience, rather than lecturing them. This will make your posts more engaging and less off-putting.

Here are some examples of how celebrities and influencers use the term "Fit check" in their social media posts:
Kendall Jenner:

"Fit check, I'm feeling myself today!"

Gigi Hadid:

"This outfit is a total #fitcheck."

Jenn Im:

"Fit check, what do you think of my new outfit?"

Ashley Graham:

"I'm looking for some outfit inspiration, what do you recommend?"


"Fit check, I'm feeling confident and fly today!"

As you can see, celebrities and influencers use the term "Fit check" in a variety of ways to emphasize a point or opinion. They use it in a way that is fun, fashionable, and engaging. They avoid using it in a way that is arrogant or condescending.

I hope these tips help you use the term "Fit check" in your social media posts in a way that is both fun and fashionable.

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