
Social media is a dynamic landscape where trends emerge rapidly, and staying relevant is crucial. One term that has gained prominence in this fast-paced digital realm is "Newsjacking."

Understanding Newsjacking

Newsjacking is a social media strategy that involves leveraging current events, news, or trending topics to amplify your brand's message. It's about injecting your perspective or brand into breaking news to gain attention and engage a wider audience.

The term "Newsjacking" was popularized by marketing strategist David Meerman Scott in his book "Newsjacking: How to Inject your Ideas into a Breaking News Story and Generate Tons of Media Coverage." It became a go-to tactic for brands aiming to ride the wave of ongoing conversations and capture the public's attention.

Who Uses Newsjacking?

Newsjacking is a favorite among social media managers, content creators, and brands looking to capitalize on real-time events. By aligning with trending stories, individuals and businesses can increase visibility, enhance brand relevance, and connect with a broader audience.

Why is Newsjacking Important?

Newsjacking is important because it allows brands to be part of the current narrative, showcasing agility and relevance. By participating in ongoing conversations, businesses can boost their social media presence, foster engagement, and even go viral by adding their unique perspective to trending topics.

How to Implement Newsjacking

Implementing a successful Newsjacking strategy involves:

  • Monitoring news and social media trends closely.
  • Identifying relevant, non-controversial opportunities.
  • Creating timely and thoughtful content aligned with the news.
  • Engaging with the audience and participating in discussions.


Newsjacking is a potent tool in a social media manager's arsenal, allowing brands to turn the latest news into an opportunity for increased visibility and engagement. By staying informed and acting swiftly, businesses can leverage Newsjacking to propel their brand into the spotlight.

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