Social Media

5 Foolproof Ways To View Instagram Story Anonymously

5 Foolproof Ways To View Instagram Story Anonymously

Instagram Stories offer a glimpse into the lives of our friends, family, and even celebrities. It also provides details about your competitors’ activities. You may be interested in keeping an eye on their Instagram Story without alerting them. One effective solution is to watch their Instagram Stories anonymously. By doing so, the account that posted the Story won’t have any way of knowing whether or not you’ve viewed it, allowing you to remain anonymous and avoid tracking.

But do you wonder how to view Instagram stories anonymously without leaving a trace? Well, you’ve come to the right place.

view instagram story anonymously
Source: Unsplash

In this blog post, you can find out how to view Instagram stories anonymously. We’ll explore 5 foolproof methods to help you view Instagram Stories anonymously. 

How to Anonymously View Instagram Stories

Right now, Instagram doesn’t allow you to look at stories secretly. But if you are wondering how to view Instagram Stories anonymously, don’t worry. We are here to help. It means you can watch stories without using your account and without anyone realizing you’ve seen them.

5 Foolproof Ways To Help Instagram Story Viewers

1. Use the Airplane Mode Trick

The Airplane Mode trick is one of the simplest and most effective methods for viewing Instagram Stories without revealing your presence. Here’s a detailed breakdown of how this trick works:

  • Open the Instagram App: Open the Instagram app on your device. Log in to your Instagram account.
  • Activate Airplane Mode: Access your device’s settings and enable Airplane Mode. This mode disables your device’s internet connectivity, preventing it from establishing a connection with Instagram’s servers.
Use the Airplane Mode Trick

  • Access the Story: Navigate to the Instagram Story you wish to view anonymously. To do this, tap on the profile picture of the user whose Story you’re interested in.
  • Allow the Story to Load: Once you’ve tapped on the Story, give it a moment to load fully. Ensure that all the content in the Story is accessible.
  • View the Story: Now, you can view the Story content without worrying about triggering the “seen” notification. It is because, in Airplane Mode, your device is offline and cannot communicate with Instagram’s servers to inform the user that you’ve watched their Story.
  • Close the Instagram App: After you’ve viewed the Story, exit the Instagram app. This step ensures that your viewing activity is not recorded or associated with your account.
  • Disable Airplane Mode: Finally, go back to your device’s settings and turn off Airplane Mode to restore your internet connectivity. Your device will now reconnect to the internet.

By following these steps, you can successfully view Instagram Stories anonymously. The key takeaway is that the Airplane Mode trick disrupts the connection between your device and Instagram’s servers, preventing any “seen” notifications when you watch someone’s Story.

Bonus: Create viral Reels with our AI-powered Instagram Reels Maker Tool

2. Use a Third-Party App

There are several third-party apps and websites available that claim to allow anonymous viewing of Instagram Stories. While these apps may work, it’s essential to exercise caution when using them. Some may violate Instagram’s terms of service, and there’s always a risk that they could compromise your privacy or security.

If you choose to go this route, make sure to research the app or website thoroughly, read user reviews, and be aware of the potential risks. Always prioritize your online safety and consider using a new account if you’re concerned about your primary Instagram account’s security.

The benefit of this method is that you can download any app, install any software, and log into the platform. Here are the top Instagram Story viewers tools that help you view Instagram Stories privately:

  1. InsCognito
  2. Secretly Story Viewer
  3. Insta Stories Viewer
  4. InstaNavigation
Use a Third-Party App

These Third-Party Apps are a savior for Instagram story viewers. However, be aware of the security issues prior.

Bonus: Elevate Your Instagram Aesthetic with Our Instagram Feed Planner

3. Use a Secondary Account

Creating a secondary Instagram account can be a practical solution if you want to view Stories anonymously. You can follow the accounts you’re interested in without any fear of them recognizing you.

Use a Secondary Account

Source: Instagram Login Page

This way, you maintain your anonymity while still enjoying Instagram Stories. However, use VPN or mobile data to create an Instagram account from another IP address to ensure that Instagram will not flag your new page.

Also, follow Instagram’s guidelines and avoid any activities that could lead to account suspension or violation of their terms of service. After creating a new Instagram account, you can easily spy and watch Instagram Stories anonymously from that account. 

Bonus: Design Stunning Instagram Stories in Seconds using our AI-powered Stories Maker Tool

4. Slide And View From Adjacent Stories

Instead of directly tapping on the specific Instagram Story you want to watch, you can employ a clever technique by clicking on the Story of an adjacent account. Instagram Stories are arranged in a continuous sequence, one after the other, and this allows you to use this method effectively.

Here’s how it works:

1. Viewing the First Frame of the Next Account’s Story:

  • Instead of clicking on the Story you’re interested in, gently swipe your finger to the left to navigate to the first frame of the next account’s Story.
  • By doing this, you can catch a quick glimpse of what’s happening in the first Story without your username added to the “Seen by” list.
  • This way, you remain anonymous while still getting a sneak peek at the content.
First Frame of the Next Account's Story

2. Viewing the Last Frame of a Story:

  • Similarly, you can see the final frame of someone’s Instagram Story by clicking on the first Story of the next account and then lightly swiping your finger to the right to go back to the previous account’s last Story.
  • However, it’s important to note that this method only allows you to view the first and last frames of an account’s Story, not the middle frames.

This approach helps you check out the beginning and end of Instagram Stories without alerting the account owner that you’ve viewed their content. Just be aware that this method has limitations and won’t let you see all the middle frames of a Story.

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5. Create a “Close Friends” List

Instagram offers a feature called the “Close Friends” list, designed to enhance privacy and allow users to share content selectively with a trusted circle of friends. Here’s how this feature works:

  • Create Your “Close Friends” List: To begin, you can assemble a personalized list of Instagram users, whom you consider your closest and most trusted friends or connections. This list is private and no one else can see who is on it.
Create a "Close Friends" List

Source: Instagram

  • Exclusive Story Sharing: When you post Stories on Instagram, you can share them exclusively with your “Close Friends.” It means only the individuals you’ve added to your “Close Friends” list can view these Stories, keeping them hidden from your broader followers.

Now, here’s how you can use this feature to your advantage:

  • Anonymous Viewing: If you suspect someone has included you in their “Close Friends” list, you can secretly watch their Stories without them receiving any notifications. It means your username won’t appear in the “Seen by” list that comes when someone views a Story.
  • No Seen Notifications: Stories shared with your “Close Friends” will not generate the same “seen” notifications of regular Stories. It is a benefit of using this feature for anonymous viewing.

However, it’s important to remember that this method relies on the other person adding you to their “Close Friends” list. Not everyone uses this feature, so it may not be a universally applicable method for anonymously viewing stories for Instagram Story Viewers.

Bonus: Stunning Instagram Reels Templates

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Source: Simplified

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3 Instagram Story Viewer Tools (the best viewers for Instagram stories that can help you discreetly view someone’s Instagram story)

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Create Instagram Posts
Create Instagram Stories
Create Instagram Reels

6. View Through a Web Browser

Another method to view Instagram Stories anonymously is by using a web browser. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Visit Instagram on a Web Browser: Open your preferred web browser and go to the Instagram website.
  • Find the Account: Type in the username of the person whose Story you want to view in the search bar.
  • Wait for the Stories to Load: Hover over the profile picture without clicking to allow the Stories to load. You might need to wait a few seconds depending on your internet speed.
  • Right-Click and Inspect Element: Right-click on the profile picture and select “Inspect” or “Inspect Element” from the dropdown menu.
  • Navigate to the Network Tab: In the developer tools that appear, click on the “Network” tab.
  • Reload the Page: Refresh the page and look for any items that are being loaded which might be the Story.
  • View the Content: You can then click on the media files to view the Stories outside of the Instagram UI, which should not mark the Story as seen.

This method requires some technical knowledge and may not always work if Instagram changes its website code. It’s also important to note that this method should be used responsibly and ethically.

Bonus: Create Compelling Instagram Posts with Our AI-Powered Post Maker Tool

7. Ask a Friend to Share

Sometimes, the simplest solutions are right in front of us. If you have a friend who follows the same account, you could ask them to share the Story with you. Here’s what they need to do:

  • Watch the Story: Your friend needs to view the Story normally.
  • Share the Story: They can then take a screenshot or screen recording and send it to you directly.

Remember, sharing someone else’s content without their permission may violate Instagram’s terms of service or the individual’s privacy, so ensure you have consent before doing so.

Bonus: Boost Engagement with Our Engaging Instagram Story Templates

8. Use an Extension for Browsers

There are extensions available for browsers like Chrome or Firefox that allow users to view Instagram Stories anonymously. Here’s a quick guide:

  • Install the Extension: Search for an Instagram Stories viewer extension and add it to your browser.
  • Navigate to Instagram: Go to Instagram’s official website and log in if necessary.
  • Use the Extension: Click on the extension icon and follow the instructions to view Stories anonymously.

Always use reliable and well-reviewed extensions to protect your data and privacy.

Bonus:Plan Your Instagram Content Seamlessly with Our Content Calendar

By utilizing these additional methods, you can view Instagram Stories while keeping your identity hidden. Remember to respect others’ privacy and adhere to Instagram’s rules. Whether you’re looking out for inspiration, keeping tabs on the competition, or just satisfying your curiosity, these tricks can help you stay under the radar.

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Vipin Kanwal
Design, Write, Edit videos, and Publish Content. Built For Teams.

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