Social Media

How to schedule instagram posts

You can schedule a post for Instagram using Simplified’s fully integrated social calendar!

Begin on the dashboard page and then select content calendar. On this page you can see an entire overview of your social media calendar. Now let’s say you want to schedule a post to instagram. There are two ways you can do this.

The first was is selecting the yellow New Post button in the upper right hand corner. The second way, is by going to your preferred date and then choosing the plus icon. Choose your platform for this post by selecting instagram. Now, use upload your media.

You can choose your project library, assets, and even browse our library of stunning photos and GIFs. Once you’ve found your element, simply select it and it will export to your draft.

Go ahead and write in your caption and then click schedule. Now choose your preferred date and time -a great tip is to use your Instagram analytics to see what time your peak engagement is. That way, you get the most out of your post! Simply click schedule, and now you can see your post is ready to go! With Simplified, organizing your social media is simple and easy.

Simplified is the first AI-powered design platform built by people who want to make marketing accessible and easy. Create your monthly content calendar in 5 minutes. Write blogs, Facebook ads, website copy and more in seconds. Powered by AI. All for free.

This video description was generated by Simplified’s AI tool for Youtube video descriptions

📚 Simplified shorts on AI tools:

☑ Social Calendar
☑ Schedule posts
☑ Content Calendar
☑ Social Media
☑ Publishing

⚡️ About Simplified:

Simplified is an all-in-one design platform, powered by AI assistant Loki. Design, scale, and publish images, videos, and more— at lightning speed. All the content-creation tools you’ll ever need, in one app.


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