Graphic Design

One click Art board Resizer

With Simplified, you can resize your art board to fit any platform.

1- Begin on your art board.

2- Click on the resize icon in the top tool bar. A Menu on the right hand side will open up.

3- Here you can choose either custom dimensions or select from our predetermined dimensions that align with different social media platforms.

4- Keep in mind, even after you’ve changed the dimensions to your art board, you can continue to edit it and move around your elements until it meets your liking.

⚡️ About Simplified:

Simplified is an all-in-one design platform, powered by AI assistant Loki. Design, scale, and publish images, videos, and more— at lightning speed. All the content-creation tools you’ll ever need, in one app.

👉🏽 To try it out, sign up here: [](

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