
When is the best time to post on TikTok?

When is the best time to post on TikTok?

When is the best time to post on TikTok? Does posting at a particular time or a specific day of the week get your content in front of more people? How does the algorithm work? Will posting at specific times boost engagement and following?

TikTok is mega hot right now. All across the globe, users are downloading the app in the blink of an eye. With 1 billion active users worldwide, most brands are vying to make their TikTok marketing effort a success.

In this blog, we will uncover the best times to post on TikTok and explore how that affects your TikTok marketing efforts. Let’s dive in!

Why Does the Best Time to Post on TikTok Matter?

Deciding to post on TikTok is the first step to increasing your global presence. The next thing is to determine the best time to do it. Timing is key when it comes to posting on TikTok.

Post too early, and most people will be asleep. Post too late, and a lot of people will be at work, etc.

One of TikTok’s most frequented areas is the ‘For You’ section. It’s estimated that as much as 75% of the user’s time is spent here.

Videos suggested on the For You page can come from accounts big and small, but they have one thing in common – they are no older than a couple of days.

So, for best results, you’ll want to post to TikTok when your audience is most likely to already be scrolling.

In other words, finding your best time to post will require understanding where your audience is located (time zones matter) and when they’re online.

But reaching a wide audience on TikTok is not just a matter of when you post. How often you post can also affect how your content is distributed on the platform.

To find a posting schedule that will please both the TikTok algorithm and your fans, keep a close eye on your performance until you find a frequency that works.

That said, some hours and days seem to work better than others across the board.

So, what is the best time to post on TikTok?

Broadly, the global best times to post on TikTok are 6 to 10 in the morning, and 7 to 11 in the evening, in Eastern Standard Time (EST).

Let’s take a closer look.

  • Mon: 6 am / 10 am / 10 pm
  • Tues: 2 am / 4 am / *9 am
  • Wed: 7 am / 8 am / 11 am
  • Thur: 9 am / *12 pm / 7 pm
  • Fri: 5 am / 1 pm / 3 pm
  • Sat: 11 am / 7 pm / 8 pm
  • Sun: 7 am / 8 am / 4 pm

(Times marked with an asterisk offer especially high levels of engagement.)*


Note – These times are in Eastern Standard Time (EST). So, you’ll need to use a conversion tool to work out the best time to upload a video on TikTok where your audience is based.

How Can You Find Your Best Time to Post on TikTok?

The global best times to post on TikTok are an excellent place to start. But in reality, every creator, influencer, or brand will have slightly different best times to post on TikTok.

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution.

Let’s run through the step-by-step process to find out the best time to post on TikTok, so you never miss an engagement opportunity.’

STEP 1 – Switch to a TikTok Pro Account

The first step to find your TikTok post times is to switch to a TikTok Pro Account, if you haven’t already. You can only see the detailed profile analytics necessary to gauge your best time to post on a TikTok Pro account.

This allows you to better anticipate when your audience might interact with your content. To turn your account into a Pro account, just follow these simple steps:

  • On TikTok, tap the Profile tab, then tap the three horizontal lines in the top right.
  • Navigate to Manage account > Switch to Pro Account.
  • Tap Next and then follow the wizard prompts to get started.

Once you are done with all the steps, a dialogue box will welcome you to your pro account. Now you will be able to see the “Analytics” section in your Settings menu.

The next step is to dive into your Analytics section. TikTok’s analytics section is divided into three tabs: Overview, Content, and Followers.

To find out when is the best time to post on TikTok, you will first need to identify where your audience lives.

STEP 2 – Check Where Your Audience is Located

Identifying the top territories where your audience resides is crucial in finding out the best time to post on TikTok, especially when catering to a global audience across time zones.”

It will allow you to settle for a common time across multiple time zones when most of your audience will be online to gobble down your content.

To find out where your audience lives, go to the “Followers” tab and scroll down to view the “Top Territories.”

Once you know where most of your followers are based, you can use the global best times to post on TikTok mentioned above to predict when your audience is most likely to be online.

Don’t forget to convert the global best times to your Top Territory’s timezone.


STEP 3 – Find Out When Your Followers are Most Active

Your audience is (obviously) the most likely to interact with your content when they’re active in the app. And knowing that the For You page mostly consists of fresh TikToks, you should be trying to align your publishing schedule with your audience’s activity patterns.

You can do this using the Follower activity metric in the TikTok analytics section. It lets you identify the hours and days on which your audience was most active.

To find the “Followers Activity” representation, scroll down inside the Followers tab. Here, you can see how many followers were active on a particular day of the week.

Moreover, to make the picture clearer, you can see the number of followers active at any specific hour of the day for that week.


STEP 4 – Review your Best-performing Content

An important step to getting closer to your best time to post on TikTok lies in tracking your previous content’s performance.

See if you can find a pattern between your high-performing content and its posting day and time.

To start, tap “Content” at the top of the TikTok analytics page. Here you’ll be able to see how your posts have performed over the last seven days.

Scroll down the page to see your trending videos, then tap on a post to see more details about it.

For each post, you’ll be able to see how many views, likes, comments, and shares it received. You’ll also find out the average watch time and where the post’s views came from.

STEP 5 – Experiment with Post Times and Keep Tracking

Finally, it is important to experiment with different times. The times mentioned in this article will be helpful for you. But if you’re not getting the engagement you were hoping for, don’t be afraid to mix things up and experiment. You know your followers best, so you’ll learn how to adjust your content to get the highest engagement and the most views.

Also, keep tracking the metrics so that you know your progress. Since TikTok only provides you the post-performance data of the last 7 days, you must create a spreadsheet to track all your content performance.

Having a month of best TikTok post-times data will help you make informed decisions.

In summary, you should use the best times to post on TikTok as a reference point along with analytics from your TikTok account. Keep experimenting with creative post types and new post times to get the best performance!

Plan Content with Simplified!

Now that you know the best times to post on TikTok, you must plan to consistently publish content on these times. However, it is often a challenge to put up with the schedule to post, especially with so many social media platforms. Here comes Simplified.

At Simplified, we have launched a Content Scheduler that helps you curate and organize your marketing content with ease. Simply connect your social accounts and share designs directly to your feed, captions, and all! Get from concept to finished product in no time, with an all-in-one content planner. You can try Simplified’s Social Media Scheduler for free here. Drop a comment below to let us know how you like it!

One Free app to design, collaborate, and scale your work – try Simplified today.

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Ajay Yadav
Ajay Yadav is an AI enthusiast and author of various topics on AI. He writes about the latest developments in AI and its impact on society, business, and technology.

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