
13+ Church Growth Strategies That Work

13+ Church Growth Strategies That Work

Are you looking for ways to make your church bigger? Want to inspire your community with faith and togetherness? If you said “yes,” then you are in the right place! Start a journey where we share 30+ powerful strategies, each one proven to help your church grow. This complete guide is your plan for a bright future, full of practical advice and expert tips on how to expand your church’s reach and influence.

Get ready to learn about market research techniques, how to turn visitors into loyal members, the best methods for church outreach, improving church management practices, encouraging giving through smart stewardship, and discovering important tools for church growth.

The Motivation for Church Growth

Before learning how to grow your church, it’s important to understand the “why.” Church growth can be different for each group because they have unique goals and missions. Knowing why you want to grow helps create plans that match your church’s vision and values. In this section, we’ll look at what the Bible says about growth, what church growth means, and why your church mission statement matters.

What Does the Bible Say About Growth?

The Bible talks a lot about different kinds of growth, like spiritual growth, personal development, and growing communities. In the New Testament, the Greek word “auxano” is often used to mean growth.

For example, in Matthew 6:28, Jesus says, “Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow,” showing how God takes care of physical growth. “Auxano” is also used to talk about spreading God’s word, as in Acts 6:7: “The word of God continued to spread,” showing how the early church spread the Gospel.

In Ephesians 4:15, “auxano” describes spiritual growth: “We must grow in every way to become him who is the head, into Christ,” highlighting the need for believers to mature in their faith. Acts 2:47 adds, “And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved,” showing how the early church grew through evangelism and community living.

The Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20 calls believers to “go and make disciples of all nations,” emphasizing the biblical mandate for outreach and growth. These scriptures collectively highlight that growth is a natural and important part of a healthy church, including numerical increase, spiritual maturity, and spreading the Gospel.

Bonus: What is Church Planting and How to Get Started

Meaning of Church Growth

The “Great Commission” (Matthew 28:18-20) tells every church to spread the Gospel and make disciples. But church growth is more than just getting more members. It’s about fulfilling the church’s mission and improving the spiritual lives of its members.

Church growth can mean many things. It might involve starting new programs, connecting more with the community, or helping current members become more dedicated. For instance, if your church already has many members, growth could mean encouraging them to help achieve the church’s goals. Church growth should match the church’s main beliefs and mission to be meaningful.

True church growth involves changing lives and building stronger relationships with God. As Galatians 6:8-10 suggests, these efforts will lead to a fruitful harvest, showing both numerical and spiritual growth.

Look at Your Church Mission Statement

A clear mission statement is very important for a church. If people don’t understand what your church is about, gather your leaders to create one. This statement should explain your church’s purpose and goals.

Make sure your plans for growing the church match this mission. Regularly check and update the mission statement to keep it interesting and meaningful for both members and new people.

A good mission statement helps everyone in the church understand what they are working towards and tells the community what your church stands for. It is the base for all church activities and plans.

Church Growth Strategies

Church Growth Strategies

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Now that you and your congregation know your mission, you can start working towards it by growing your church. This guide has many practical tips, but not everything will fit your church perfectly. Since there’s no one right way to grow a church, make sure to choose strategies that work best for you. 

To make things easier, let’s look at church growth tools by focusing on people and programs. But first, here are some simple things you can do to help your church grow without needing a committee or spending any money.

Market Research Strategies

Market research gives you a complete picture of your church members, showing important details that can help your church grow. By learning what makes your members happy and what they care about, you can create better plans.

Here are five proven church growth strategies based on market research.

1. Consider Your Target Demographics

When trying to grow your church, it’s important to understand the people in your community. Make your plans to attract the groups you want to reach. For example, if your congregation is mostly older and you want to attract younger people, think about modern worship styles and youth programs. If you’re in a college town or near a military base, create programs that appeal to students or military families.

Regularly look at the community around your church to stay updated on changes in age, cultural backgrounds, and interests. This ongoing check helps ensure your church stays relevant and responsive.

Also, review or change existing programs to meet current needs. If a ministry has achieved its goals, use those resources in areas that need more attention. By focusing on specific groups and adjusting your plans, you create a more welcoming and lively church community.

2. Conduct Surveys

One of the important church growth ideas is in understanding what church members and visitors need can help your church make important changes. Church surveys can answer key questions your leadership team may have. Getting started doesn’t require special skills or a lot of money. Many programs let you create and manage surveys for free.

If you want to conduct a survey to understand what members and visitors want, check out this free guide. It includes many survey examples and easy-to-follow instructions.

Church attendance and giving habits have changed a lot over the last 20 years. It’s important to know about these changes so your church can adjust.

Places like Pew Research Center and Barna Group give helpful information. This data can show changes like more people preferring online donations and virtual services. Using this information can help keep your church up-to-date.

Changes in the population, like more diversity and tech-savvy generations, also affect church growth. Adjusting your programs to match these trends can help keep your church interesting and welcoming.

Regularly check your church’s attendance and giving data to make smart decisions. Keeping up with trends helps your church better serve members and connect with the community.

4. See What Other Churches in Your Area Are Doing

Ever wondered why some churches in your area are bustling with activity every Sunday? The secret lies in their strategies and how they connect with their community.

Look Locally: The Power of Observation

Start by visiting the most vibrant churches in your area. Observe what makes them successful:

  • Services: How are their services structured? What type of music do they play? How do they keep the congregation engaged?
  • Programs: What programs and ministries do they offer? Are there specific activities that draw people in?
  • Outreach: How do they engage with the community? Do they host special events, charity drives, or community service projects?
  • Communication: How do they talk to their members? Do they use social media, send emails, or have a church app?

Understanding these elements can help you adapt and implement successful strategies in your church. It’s not about copying but learning and customizing what works best for your context.

Overcome Challenges: Implement New Tactics
Trying new methods can be scary, but it’s important for improving. Here are some tips to make the change easier:

  • Start Small: Introduce changes gradually. Begin with minor adjustments like a new song during worship or a small group study.
  • Engage Your Congregation: Involve your members by seeking their input and making them part of the change process.
  • Stay Consistent: Be patient and consistent. Allow time for new strategies to take effect.
  • Measure Success: Track what works and what doesn’t. Use feedback and data to make informed adjustments.

Start by observing successful churches in your area, then take small, deliberate steps to implement new growth strategies. With persistence and faith, you’ll see positive changes in your congregation.

Bonus: 16 Cost-effective Church Growth Ideas to Acquire and Retain More People

5. Create Focus Groups

Create Focus Groups

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Focus groups gather the thoughts and ideas of people in your church to help make it better. Here’s how you can set up and use focus groups:

Steps to Set Up Focus Groups:

  1. Know Your Goal: Figure out what you want to learn. It could be feedback on a new idea or suggestions for helping the community.
  2. Pick People: Choose a mix of different members—old, young, from different backgrounds. This variety makes discussions more interesting.
  3. Choose a Leader: Find someone good at leading discussions. They make sure everyone gets a chance to talk and keep things fair.
  4. Prepare Questions: Write down questions that make people think and talk. For example, “How can we make our new ideas even better?”
  5. Set a Date: Pick a time that works for most people. If needed, have more than one session to fit everyone’s schedules.

Understanding the Data:

  • Find Patterns: Look for common ideas that come up a lot. This shows what most people agree on.
  • Think About the Situation: Remember, everyone’s opinions are based on their own experiences. This helps you see the full picture.
  • Value Different Ideas: Don’t ignore ideas that are different. They can lead to new and creative solutions.

Things to Watch Out For:

  • Don’t Assume Everyone Feels the Same: Remember, the group is just a small part of your church. Use their ideas to start bigger discussions.
  • Listen to Criticism: Listen to all feedback, even if some of it isn’t positive. It helps you understand what you can get better at.

Using focus groups lets everyone in your church share their thoughts. This helps your church grow and get better in many ways.

Planning Strategies
Have you ever watched a beautiful sunset and felt really excited and inspired? That feeling is a lot like dreaming big dreams. But before you can make those dreams about growing your church come true, you need a clear plan. That’s why we’ve put together some strategies to help your church grow. These ideas will give you the step-by-step guide you need to succeed.

6. Create a Strategic Plan

Strategic planning is like a map for your church, showing the way to success with clear goals and direction. It helps your church stay focused, use resources well, handle changes, and see how well it’s doing. Here’s how to make this map:

  1. Get Your Team Together: Bring different church leaders, volunteers, and members to give different ideas.
  2. Check Where You Are Now: Do a SWOT analysis to see what your church does well, where it needs help, and what might help or hurt it in the future.
  3. Picture What You Want: Say clearly where you want your church to be in five or ten years. Having long-term goals helps you know where to go.
  4. Make Your Plan: Write down your church’s purpose, who your church is for, and how you’ll tell others about it. This plan says how you’ll meet your goals.
  5. Say Your Big Goal: Write down what your church hopes to do most. This keeps everyone working toward the same big goals.
  6. See How You Help Now: Look at how your church helps the people who come and the community around it. This helps you know where to get better and grow.
  7. Plan Your Money: Make sure your plans for money match your goals. A good plan for money makes sure your ideas can happen and keep happening.
  8. Take Care of What You Have: Pay attention to how you use resources, how you save money, and how you tell people what you’re doing. Doing this well means you’re being careful and getting help from members.
  9. Pick Good Leaders: Decide what makes a good leader at your church. This helps the people in charge do what your plan says well.
  10. Make Rules and Ways to Do Things: Write down how your church works every day and how you’ll make choices. Doing this the same way every time means things run well.

Remember to keep your plan SMART — Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Look at your plan often to see how it’s going and if you need to change anything. When you plan well, it helps your church grow and do good things for a long time.

7. Establish Your Brand

Branding is really important for churches, especially when not as many people are joining. Good branding isn’t just about a logo or a catchy phrase; it’s about showing what makes your church special and what it believes in, so it stands out.

Steps to Make Your Church Brand Strong:

  1. Know Your Mission and Vision: Figure out what your church is all about and what it wants to achieve. Your brand should show these goals to guide all your branding efforts.
  2. Understand Your Core Values: Highlight the key ideas that guide your church. These values should be clear in everything your church does and says.
  3. Know Your Audience: Know who you want to talk to. Make your brand show that you understand what they need and believe in.
  4. Create a Look: Make a consistent visual style, like your logo, colors, fonts, and pictures. Make sure these look the same on all your stuff.
  5. Tell Your Story: Share your church’s journey and important moments in an interesting way. This story should be part of all your messages to connect with people’s hearts.
  6. Stay the Same: Make sure your messages and how things look are the same on all places people find you, like social media, websites, and papers.
  7. Care About Your Reputation: People think about your church based on what they hear. Make good experiences and talk with people in a way that shows your mission and values.

Following these steps can help your church create a strong brand that brings in and keeps members, making everyone feel like they belong and have a purpose.

8. Be Realistic

Set goals for growth that you can actually achieve so you make progress that lasts. It’s better to aim for what you can do, rather than pushing too hard and feeling frustrated. Celebrate each small win to keep yourself going strong.

Think about how money is going in your area, especially if a lot of jobs have gone away or things are tough. Hard times can make it harder for people to help out with time or money. Focus on what your community needs right now, like food banks or counseling.

When you ask for volunteers, remember everyone’s busy with other stuff. Make it easy for people to help out in small ways or for a short time. By being realistic, you can grow steady and strong, and help your church do more good in your community.

9. Address Conflict Before It Emerges

Planning ahead and dealing with conflict before it starts is really important for keeping your church moving forward smoothly. Conflict can slow things down, take attention away from important tasks, and make everyone feel tired. By thinking ahead and getting ready for conflicts, you can turn possible problems into chances to grow and learn.

Here are some important steps to handle conflicts:

  1. Understand Conflict: Know that conflict is a normal part of how people interact, and sometimes it can even lead to positive changes.
  2. Predict Conflicts: Figure out where conflicts might happen, like who’s in charge or how things are shared, and make plans to deal with them early.
  3. Keep Communication Open: Encourage everyone to talk openly and honestly. This helps stop misunderstandings and solve problems quickly.
  4. Make a Plan to Solve Conflicts: Have clear steps ready for dealing with conflicts so that everyone is treated fairly and things stay consistent.
  5. Respect Each Other: Make sure everyone respects different ideas and viewpoints. This helps stop small problems from becoming big ones.
  6. Teach Your Team: Give your team training on how to handle conflicts well. This way, they’ll have the skills they need when disagreements come up.

By following these steps, you can create a place where conflicts are managed early on, which helps your church keep growing smoothly. For more ideas, you can check out books like “Crucial Conversations” by Kerry Patterson and “The Peacemaker” by Ken Sande.

10. Use Social Media

Use Social Media

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If your church isn’t using social media to connect with people and grow, you’re missing out on a great way to reach out for free. Many adults in the U.S., about seven out of ten, use Facebook, and platforms like Instagram and TikTok are perfect for connecting with younger folks. Social media lets your church easily share events, updates, and info with both current members and potential new ones. 

Modern day churches make use of technology and use AI social media post generator to plan out the content for the entire year in one day.  Create posts about the church event can catch someone’s eye on their feed better than an email newsletter. Social media is all about sharing, which makes it a strong tool for reaching out. With tools like social media bulk scheduling, Tailor what you post to fit each platform to get more people interested. Use AI Clips for sharing on Instagram and TikTok.

Quality matters more than quantity. It’s better to do well on one or two platforms than to not keep up with many accounts. Good content that your audience likes can make a big difference. Also, make sure your church’s website is updated and easy to find on search engines (SEO). Lots of people use search engines to find local churches. Get help from church members who know about SEO to make your website easier to find.

To sum up, using social media and keeping your website updated can really help your church reach more people and get them involved.

11. Publish a Newsletter

Newsletters help connect your church community. They keep everyone informed and interested, and encourage people to get involved by giving their time, talents, and support.

Here are ten tips for making a great church newsletter:

  1. Keep it short: Use clear and interesting messages without making it too long.
  2. Talk about giving: Show how members’ help makes a difference in the church and community.
  3. Make it easy to read: Use simple words, short paragraphs, and lists to help people understand quickly.
  4. Get people involved: Share stories, messages from members, and fun things like surveys.
  5. Use pictures: Add photos to make the newsletter more interesting.
  6. Send it online: Use email and social media to reach more people.
  7. Print it too: Make sure people who like paper can still read it.
  8. Support fundraising: Tell people about events to help the church.
  9. Check for mistakes: Make sure everything is right and all the contact information is there.
  10. Pick a good name: A fun name can make people want to read your newsletter.

Making a newsletter might seem hard, but there are tools to help you. Look at our free guide on making church newsletters for more help. Follow these tips, and your church newsletter will help keep everyone connected and excited about what’s happening.

12. Leverage YouTube

YouTube offers churches a unique opportunity to reach and engage a broader audience, fostering both local and global community growth. By consistently posting high-quality content of worship sessions, and community events, churches can maintain viewer interest and build a loyal following. Utilizing YouTube  scheduling it allows churches to plan and automate their content release, ensuring a steady stream of videos that keep their audience engaged. 

Regular uploads on a fixed schedule help set viewer expectations, creating a reliable presence that encourages regular attendance, much like a traditional church service. Additionally, engaging with viewers through comments and live chat enhances community interaction, making the church’s digital presence more personal and impactful.​

13. Take Advantage of Free Google Ads

Imagine your church’s name appearing prominently on Google, guiding lots of people to your events and services, all without spending much money. This can happen with Google’s nonprofit ad program.

What is Google’s Nonprofit Ad Program?

Google gives eligible nonprofits up to $10,000 every month for free search ads. This helps your church reach more people, attracting volunteers, donations, and attendees to your events.

How to Qualify:

  • Nonprofit Status: Make sure your church is registered as a nonprofit and has valid charity status.
  • Website Requirements: Keep your website working well and full of useful information that meets Google’s rules.
  • Following the Rules: Stick to Google’s rules, and don’t do things like promoting products or treating people unfairly.

How to Use Google Ads:

  • Set Clear Goals: Decide if you want more volunteers, donations, or people coming to your events.
  • Target Your Audience: Use the right words and information to reach the people you want. 
  • Create Good Ads: Use AI ads generator and make your ads easy to understand, interesting, and in line with what your church does.
  • Watch and Change: Keep an eye on how well your ads are doing and make changes to make them work better.

14. Create an Email Blast

Email blasts can revolutionize your church’s communication, connecting with visitors and engaging members. Here are key practices:

  • Keep It Simple: Deliver clear, concise messages using AI email generator to avoid overwhelming recipients.
  • Personalize Content: Use names and tailor messages to interests for increased engagement.
  • Craft Strong Subject Lines: Make subject lines intriguing and relevant to boost open rates.
  • Clear Call to Action: Define actions like joining a group or attending an event clearly.
  • Monitor and Adjust: Use analytics to track performance and refine your strategy.

Effective email blasts inform, engage, and inspire, driving church growth and community involvement.

15. Identify Church Marketing Strategies to Fit Your Budget

Church Marketing Strategies

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Marketing doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. Here are some ways to get the word out about your church without spending too much:

  1. Church Website: Make a website that’s easy to use and looks nice. You can do this using AI website builder A website is usually the first thing people see when they look up your church.
  2. Website SEO: Make sure your website shows up when people search for churches online. Use keywords and write good articles to help with this.
  3. Local Marketing for Churches: Do things in your neighborhood to get people interested, like events and partnerships with local businesses. Being part of community events can also help.
  4. Google Ads for Churches: Use free ads from Google for non-profits like churches. This can help more people find your church online.
  5. YouTube for Churches: Create an edit YouTube videos for your sermons and other things on YouTube. You can do this easily with just a camera or phone.
  6. Social Media for Church Marketing: Use websites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to share news and events happening at your church. This helps get more people interested and involved.
  7. Church Events and Fundraisers: Have events and fundraisers with help from volunteers. This can bring in money and get more people to join your church.
  8. Church Advertising and Marketing Volunteers: Ask for help from volunteers who know about marketing or social media. They can help you without costing money.
  9. Worship Livestreams and Recorded Services: Use free sites like Facebook Live and YouTube Live to show your church services. This helps people who can’t come in person.
  10. Church Podcasts: Start a podcast to talk about your sermons and other things. This can help you reach more people without spending a lot.
  11. Church Blogs: Write a blog to tell stories and talk about what’s happening. Websites like WordPress have free options that can help you look good online.
  12. Newsletters: Send emails to people who want updates about your church. Sites like Mailchimp can help you send these emails for free or not much money.
  13. Welcome Materials: Give new visitors things like brochures or small gifts. This makes them feel welcome without costing too much.
  14. Church Hospitality Ministry: Have volunteers who make people feel welcome. This can help new people feel good about coming to your church.
  15. Paid Church Advertising: Even with a little money, ads on Facebook or Google can help a lot. You can pick who sees the ads to get more people interested.
  16. Facebook Ads: Use ads on Facebook to pick who sees them and how much you spend. This can help you reach people who might be interested in your church.
  17. Newspaper Ads: Put ads in the local newspaper to let people in your community know about your church. Some papers have good prices for non-profits.
  18. Signage: Get signs that look nice to show where your church is. Putting them in the right places can help more people see them.
  19. Direct Mail Advertising for Churches: Use services like USPS Every Door Direct Mail to send ads to people near your church. This can get more people to come.
  20. Christian Marketing Services Agencies: Work with agencies that know how to market churches. They might give you a deal to help without spending too much.

These ways can help your church grow and get more people interested while not spending too much money.


Church growth is a multifaceted endeavor that requires strategic planning, effective communication, and a genuine commitment to serving your community. By implementing these 34 church growth strategies, you can create a thriving, dynamic church that attracts and retains members, fosters spiritual growth, and positively impacts the broader community. Remember, growth is not just about numbers but about deepening relationships, expanding outreach, and nurturing a vibrant faith community. Successful church growth balances numerical increase with spiritual enrichment, ensuring that the church remains a beacon of hope, faith, and love in the community.

Church Growth Strategies

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