Graphic Design

Resize a template in custom dimensions

If you want to create a custom sized graphic from scratch, start off in our template library and click the big yellow custom sized button. Here you’ll be able to put in your custom dimensions and then click create.

Need a little more inspiration? You can browse our amazing templates library full of thousands of templates for you to be able to customize with your own brand colors, messages, and more.

Now here comes the fun part, you can resize the graphic into your custom dimensions. What you’ll do is go up to the top toolbar and click the resize art board button.

This brings up our resize toolbar, which is already preloaded with tons of different dimensions for commonly used social media platforms and more. If your graphic needs to be a custom size, you can click the big custom sized button at the top of the toolbar and put in your custom dimensions. Then click resize now.

And now just make a few adjustments and your custom sized graphic is just about done.

If you zoom out and start in the upper left-hand corner and drag to the lower right-hand corner this will select all the elements from the original design template. Now you can come up to the top toolbar and click group elements and now it’s much easier to be able to adjust the sizing of your original template to fit your new custom sized graphic.

You can always ungroup the elements of the top toolbar.

Place the elements where you would like them to be and there you have it. A custom sized graphic ready for whatever design you’re creating.

Make your content go further with simplified magic resize button.

Simplified is the first AI-powered design platform built by people who want to make marketing accessible and easy. Create your monthly content calendar in 5 minutes. Write blogs, Facebook ads, website copy and more in seconds. Powered by AI. All for free.

This video description was generated by Simplified’s AI tool for Youtube video descriptions

📚 Simplified shorts on AI tools:

☑ Custom Resize
☑ Template Resize

⚡️ About Simplified:

Simplified is an all-in-one design platform, powered by AI assistant Loki. Design, scale, and publish images, videos, and more— at lightning speed. All the content-creation tools you’ll ever need, in one app.


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