Simplified Teams & Integrations

Share and collaborate in real time

Simplified allows you to share and collaborate with your team in real time. On the top toolbar, you’ll see the speech bubble, go ahead and click the icon and on the right hand side, a menu will pop up. There you can comment and tag others on your art board.

If you’d like to tag a team member, go ahead and use the @ sign and then type in the name of your team member. When you’re finished with your comment, go ahead and click comment.

The comment will appear below. You can click the three dot icon to reply, resolve, edit, or delete the comment.

If you’d like to see all resolved comments, you can just easily click the box at the top and your resolved comments will pop up.

You can also share your art board by clicking the yellow share button and then entering the email addresses of the people you’d like to share your art board with. If you’d like to share with a link, you can toggle on the link share and then copy the link and send to whomever you’d like to give access to.

With simplified in just a few steps, you can share, collaborate and edit your art board with your team.

Simplified is the first AI-powered design platform built by people who want to make marketing accessible and easy. Create your monthly content calendar in 5 minutes. Write blogs, Facebook ads, website copy and more in seconds. Powered by AI. All for free.

This video description was generated by Simplified’s AI tool for Youtube video descriptions

📚 Simplified shorts on AI tools:

☑ Share
☑ Collaborate
☑ Comment

⚡️ About Simplified:

Simplified is an all-in-one design platform, powered by AI assistant Loki. Design, scale, and publish images, videos, and more— at lightning speed. All the content-creation tools you’ll ever need, in one app.


👉🏽 To try it out, request access:

#simplified_collaborate #share #collaborate

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