AI WriterGraphic Design

How to write a blog directly in a blog design template using the AI writer

To write a blog in a blog design template using the AI writer lets start by opening design templates from the main menu and then click posts and stories and select blog posts. Once you find one you like, select it.

Then once you’re in editing mode, go to the lower right hand corner where the AI Assistant icon is. Click it and either select an old project or create a new one and select blog introduction, your desired language, and type in your topic. Then hit generate and the AI will come up with some options for you.

Once you find some copy you like, hit add now and it will be added to your artboard. Then just edit to fit your design and you’re done!

Simplified is the first AI-powered design platform built by people who want to make marketing accessible and easy. Create your monthly content calendar in 5 minutes. Write blogs, Facebook ads, website copy and more in seconds. Powered by AI. All for free.

This video description was generated by Simplified’s AI tool for Youtube video descriptions

???? Simplified shorts on AI tools:

☑ Blog writing
☑ Blog design template
☑ AI for blogs
☑ Blog Design

⚡️ About Simplified:

Simplified is an all-in-one design platform, powered by AI assistant Loki. Design, scale, and publish images, videos, and more— at lightning speed. All the content-creation tools you’ll ever need, in one app.


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