
The Power of Social Responsibility: Growing My Profitable Business While Making a Difference

The Power of Social Responsibility: Growing My Profitable Business While Making a Difference

In today’s business landscape, integrating social responsibility into a company’s core values isn’t just a moral decision — it’s a strategic asset that can significantly enhance both reputation and profitability. As the Founder and CEO of Better Together, a communications agency dedicated to ethical business practices, I’ve witnessed firsthand how this approach doesn’t just align with altruistic values but substantially benefits our bottom line.

Understanding the Shift Toward Social Responsibility

In the past four years, consumer behavior has dramatically shifted; today’s customers prioritize the quality and cost of products as well as the ethical practices of the companies they support. According to a Cone Communications study, 87 percent of consumers will purchase a product because a company advocated for an issue they cared about. This shift is particularly pronounced among Millennials and Generation Z, who are more likely to research the social and environmental impact of their purchases before making them. Additional insights from a Nielsen Global Survey show that more than 66 percent of global consumers are willing to pay more for sustainable brands, highlighting a growing segment that values corporate responsibility.

This trend is supported by a 2021 study by IBM, which found that 84 percent of consumers consider sustainability important when choosing a brand, and nearly 60 percent are willing to change their shopping habits to reduce environmental impact. These statistics point out how corporate social responsibility (CSR) continues to be an important factor in influencing consumer behavior.

The Business Case for Social Responsibility

For Better Together, social responsibility is at the heart of everything we do, making it clear how it has directly influenced our growth and profitability. Even if social responsibility isn’t a company’s primary mission, incorporating it into business practices can still significantly enhance the bottom line. Here’s how it can positively impact your financial success:

  • Customer Loyalty: Our dedication to CSR is instrumental to building impact and trust with our clients and their customers, who view their purchases as a means to support broader social causes. This leads to enhanced customer retention and increased word-of-mouth referrals. Also according to Cone Communications’ study, 76 percent of consumers would refuse to buy from a company if they learned it supported an issue contrary to their beliefs.
  • Employee Engagement: Employees are looking to work for companies that reflect their values. Our focus on social responsibility has helped us attract and retain top talent, reducing recruitment costs and fostering a more engaged and productive workforce. A report by Deloitte found that purpose-driven companies witness higher market share gains and grow three times faster on average than their competitors, all while achieving higher workforce and customer satisfaction.
  • Risk Management: Engaging in sustainable practices reduces our exposure to environmental risks and regulatory fines, which can be substantial. By proactively addressing these issues, we enhance our reputation and build trust with stakeholders. Companies with strong CSR practices often enjoy a “halo effect” that can protect them during crises and enhance their resilience.

Real-Life Impact: Detailed Case Studies from Better Together

  • Green Initiatives: Better Together is committed to sustainability by maintaining a fully remote operation, which significantly reduces our carbon footprint. We only support campaigns for clients that align with our values, focusing on green initiatives and avoiding those in industries such as oil and gas. These actions not only align with our mission, but also attract eco-conscious clients, increasing our sales in environmentally friendly market segments. By promoting and partnering with clients who prioritize sustainability, we enhance our reputation and customer loyalty.
  • Community Engagement: We are involved in community upliftment programs, from education sponsorships to supporting small businesses. We have established partnerships with local schools to provide digital literacy programs, which have earned us goodwill and long-term relationships with educational institutions. These initiatives have opened new markets for our services and led to referral business from alumni and staff, enhancing our community presence and market reach.

Challenges and Solutions in CSR Implementation

While the benefits are clear, integrating CSR into the core business strategy is not without challenges. One of the primary challenges is aligning CSR initiatives with business goals without incurring significant costs. We address this by:

  • Integrating CSR with Core Business Functions: Instead of viewing CSR as an add-on, we embed it into every aspect of our business operations, from sourcing to sales. This ensures that our CSR efforts are not just philanthropic expenditures but are strategic investments that drive business value. For example, by integrating sustainable practices into our business development, we’ve managed to create a unique selling proposition that attracts environmentally conscious customers.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: We regularly engage with stakeholders, including investors, customers, and community members, to ensure our CSR efforts are aligned with their expectations and needs. This feedback is vital for continuously refining our strategies. We hold regular meetings with key stakeholders to discuss our CSR progress and solicit input on new initiatives, ensuring that our efforts remain relevant and impactful.

Real-World Examples

  • Patagonia: Known for its environmental and social ethics, Patagonia’s dedication to sustainability has attracted a dedicated customer base that values its commitment to conservation. This alignment has made Patagonia a standout brand in the apparel industry. The company’s “Don’t Buy This Jacket” campaign, which encouraged customers to consider the environmental impact of their purchases, reinforced the company’s brand values and drove a 30 percent increase in sales.

Don’t Buy This Jacket – Image credit Researchgate   

  • Ben & Jerry’s: This iconic ice cream company has long integrated social activism into its brand, advocating for everything from climate justice to marriage equality, which has helped to cultivate a loyal customer following. The company’s campaigns, such as “Save Our Swirled” to raise awareness about climate change, have not only highlighted critical issues but also boosted its market presence and customer loyalty.
Save Our Swirled Campaign

Slideshare: Ben and jerry’s ice cream – Save Our Swirled Campaign

  • Starbucks: Through sustainable coffee sourcing and community service initiatives, Starbucks has reinforced its brand image and built strong customer loyalty. The company has also recently opened a new cafe designed to be more accessible and inclusive for customers and employees with disabilities.
  • The Body Shop: A pioneer in ethical business practices, The Body Shop’s cruelty-free products and community trade programs have solidified its reputation for social and environmental responsibility.

Looking ahead, the role of CSR is set to become even more critical. Technologies like AI and blockchain provide new opportunities to enhance transparency and efficiency in CSR initiatives. Blockchain can be used to trace the ethical sourcing of materials, providing undeniable proof of a company’s claims. AI can analyze vast amounts of data to optimize CSR strategies, predict outcomes and measure impact more accurately.

Emerging trends such as the circular economy, where products are designed to be reused and recycled, are gaining traction. Companies are beginning to see the financial and environmental benefits of designing waste out of their systems. The rise of social enterprises—businesses prioritizing social impact alongside financial performance—signals a growing acceptance of CSR as a core business strategy.

Five Actionable Takeaways

For businesses looking to integrate social responsibility into their operations, here are five actionable tips:

  1. Start Small: Begin with manageable projects that align with your company’s mission and values. This could be as simple as reducing plastic use in the office or supporting a local charity.
  2. Engage Employees: Involve employees in socially responsible initiatives to boost morale and engagement. This can be through volunteer programs, sustainability projects, setting criteria for which clients and products to work with, or internal awareness campaigns.
  3. Communicate Transparently: Be open about your CSR goals, efforts and outcomes. Use your website, social media channels, media outreach and reports to communicate progress and engage with stakeholders.
  4. Measure and Report: Regularly measure the impact of your activities and report on them in business meetings, to your board, etc. Use key performance indicators to track progress and identify areas for improvement. Also, don’t be afraid to use the phrase ‘DEI.’ Although it is receiving pushback, many companies use the term in new ways, such as ‘inclusive technology’.
  5. Partner Strategically: Collaborate with NGOs, community groups and other businesses to amplify your impact. Partnerships can provide additional resources and expertise to enhance your initiatives.


Adopting social responsibility is more than a trend; it’s a viable business strategy. Better Together has proven that when companies operate responsibly, they achieve enhanced customer loyalty — service or product — and brand reputation and increased profitability. This strategy is about being good and doing well.
By championing social causes, we contribute to a better world and pave the way for sustainable business success. Our journey shows that businesses can thrive by aligning profit with purpose and that social responsibility can be a powerful catalyst for growth.

Power of Social Responsibility

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Catharine Montgomery
Catharine Montgomery is the founder and CEO of Better Together, a communications agency that galvanizes positive change for purpose-driven organizations through creative strategies, messaging and branding.

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