AI Video

How To Change The Volume Level Of Videos

If you’re looking to adjust the volume level of your videos using Simplified AI Video App, you’re in the right place! Follow these simple steps to change the volume and enhance your video experience:

1. Go to your project by clicking on “Projects” in the app’s main menu. This will take you to the list of projects you have created.

select project


2. On the artboard, locate the video you want to change the volume of and click on it. This will select the video and display additional options.

Click on your video


3. Look for the speaker icon on the top toolbar of the app. It is usually represented by a small speaker symbol. Click on this icon to access the volume controls.

Click on voice icon


4. Once you click on the speaker icon, a volume slider will appear. Slide it left or right to increase or decrease the volume level of the selected video. Keep adjusting until you reach the desired volume.

volume slider


That’s it! You have successfully changed the volume level of your video using Simplified AI Video App. Enjoy your enhanced video with the perfect audio balance!

For more resources and tutorials on using Simplified AI Video App, we recommend visiting our academy. You can find a detailed article on changing the volume level of videos Simplified Academy.

Also See: How To Add Voiceover To Your Videos

If you have any further questions or need assistance, our help center is always available to provide support. You can access our Help Center.

Don’t forget to check out our YouTube channel for more tips, tricks, and tutorials on using Simplified AI Video App. Subscribe to our channel to stay updated with the latest video editing techniques and features!

I hope this helps! Let me know if you need any further assistance.

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