Better, faster, Experience Simplified
What was good got even better! Last week we worked hard to bring you better experiences all around!
We brought you new templates and enhanced the AI and grouping experiences, so we can continue helping you achieve more!
See what‘s possible when your creativity meets Simplified’s powerful platform.
So. Many. Templates!
Life’s about choices, right? And as ‘art imitates life’ goes, this couldn’t be more true here: we brought you lots of new design and AI templates so that your art can be as free as you! Let your designs fly with Simplified!
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Enhanced AI Experience Simplified
Loki graduated and is now ready to give you an even better AI experience. Generate more and better results, view your saved results and discover everything our Ai assistant has to offer!
Improved Design Experience
What‘s better than our grouping tool? Our improved grouping tool, of course! Go ahead, bring your assets and let’s start designing..