Simplified Content Calendar is here
Marketers, content creators, influencers, and anyone who has a social media account, really!
We are here today to make the announcement to end all announcements! Introducing “Simplified Calendar”
Integrate Your Social Media
Integrate Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google My Business to manage multiple accounts, plan and publish, and engage more and faster with users using Simplified’s Content Calendar.
Connect now
Create, Write and Publish in one click
All-in-one app: collaborate with your team, create designs and videos, resize it, write content and hashtags using the AI Writer, and publish directly from the design tool to your social media accounts. Save drafts and reuse posts into fresh content
Install Google Chrome Extension to grab from the internet.
Yes, you read right! Simplified Chrome Extension is here! Get this party started by installing the extension. Then, every time you come across post-worthy content, click on the extension, and it’ll magically transform it into a post ready to be published to your social media accounts!
Install chrome plugin now
Organize everything with Folders Galore
We simplified your work with this new feature! Create unlimited folders to keep your projects, clients, and teams organized. Never spend time scrolling to find a project again. We bet even Marie Kondo would love this feature! 😉

Like you, I’m excited to build this from the ground up. Keep in touch with the team on Twitter as we #BuildInPublic or meet like-minded creators, marketers around the world at Simplified Facebook Community
⭐ We’re here for you.
Reach our support team using the chat service within Simplified for personalized support.
Thanks for being here
KD from Simplified