Simplified is now 10x Faster and better 

You know we work hard to bring you the best product there is! That’s why this week, we decided to look back and put some extra effort into polishing and making our tools you know 10x fasterand love even better
, so you can have the best experience ever!
Awesome, right?
New Experience + Lightning fast search
We brought to life thousand of new templates so that you can’t ever have a creative block! And to make it easier for you, use our lightning-fast search: all you need in the blink of an eye!
Search now
Multiple Brand Kits
One more client? A new side hustle? Now you can have multiple brand kits in your workspace to keep brand consistency across all designs and platforms. Yes, we got you! Keep grinding; we’ll keep delivering!
More Custom Fonts
More of the same? Not on Simplified! We added lots of new custom fonts that will allow you to bring your designs to life and add that little je ne sais quoi that’ll definitely make you stand out!
Upload my fonts
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