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Getting Started In Simplified!

Getting Started In Simplified!

These days, anyone and everyone can benefit from easy-to-use design tools. Whether you want to establish your business’s brand identity, or simply want to elevate your social media content, Simplified has something for everyone! With our design tools, easy-to-use templates, and the option of collaborative workspaces, you can create your first masterpiece in minutes!

Let’s begin with setting up your profile on Simplified:

Setting Up Your Account

There are three ways to set up your account on Simplified:

1. Sign up with your email address!

Simplified design in minutes

The first way you can create your account on Simplified is by signing up with your email address.

Step 1: Go to the sign up page.

Step 2: Enter the email address that you wish to create your profile with. For example,

Step 3: Enter your company name, if any. This is especially crucial if you plan to use our collaborative workspace feature!

Step 4: Set a password and then retype the password again to confirm.

Step 5: Click sign up!

And that’s it! You’re all set with your new account and begin designing immediately!

Here’s a walkthrough of what it should look like.

2. Continue with Google!

create templates online

If you don’t wish to create an account from scratch, don’t worry. You can also use your existing Google account to get started!

Step 1: Go to the login page.

Step 2: Click on continue with Google.

Here, you’ll get a pop-up window with your Google login page. Enter your Google email address and password and click next. It should look something like this:

log in to simplified for all your designing needs

Step 3: Now, you’ll automatically be redirected to your Simplified window.

If your account was successfully connected, you will be taken to your home page where you can get started!

3. Existing users: just log in!

design faster with simplified

If you have already created your Simplified account, it’s as easy as logging in! If you have been invited by a co-worker or team member to join a collaborative workspace on Simplified, you can use this space to get started with your Simplified account!

First : Enter your email address.

Second : Enter your Simplified account password.

Third : Click sign in!

That’s all, folks! You’re now all ready to bring your creative vision to life through your Simplified account. And don’t worry, we’ll be right here to guide you through your journey ahead.

Good luck,

Team Simplified

KD Deshpande
Design, Write, Edit videos, and Publish Content. Built For Teams.

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