Getting Started With SimplifiedVideo Editor

Getting Started Series: Videos

Hi everyone and welcome to Simplified! Are you ready to simplify your marketing using just one tool? Simplified makes it easy to transform and edit videos.

By clicking video templates you can explore Simplified’s amazing professional pre designed video templates for Instagram, Facebook, and more. If you’re starting from an art board you can easily add videos to your designs by selecting the media icon on the left hand toolbar, and then browsing thousands of amazing video, GIF, and music options.

Once you’ve found the perfect element, simply click and viola! Your template is now transformed into a video. You can see your timeline and make adjustments to make a unique video perfect for your brand. When you’ve finished with your design, use this orange export button, download as a PNG or video and click export now!

And there you go! Simplified collaboration tools make it easy to design and edit videos in just a few clicks!

Simplified is the first AI-powered design platform built by people who want to make marketing accessible and easy. Create your monthly content calendar in 5 minutes. Write blogs, Facebook ads, website copy and more in seconds. Powered by AI. All for free.

This video description was generated by Simplified’s AI tool for Youtube video descriptions

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⚡️ About Simplified:

Simplified is an all-in-one design platform, powered by AI assistant Loki. Design, scale, and publish images, videos, and more— at lightning speed. All the content-creation tools you’ll ever need, in one app.


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