
How to Edit Screenshots on Mac Like a Pro: Expert Tips and Tricks

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Screenshots are an essential tool that allows us to capture and share information with ease. However, simply taking a screenshot is often not enough. You may need to edit your screenshots to add annotations, crop out unnecessary elements, or highlight important information.

Whether you’re a content creator, educator, or simply someone who frequently uses screenshots, learning how to edit them like a pro can save you time and improve the quality of your work. In this article, we’ll cover two methods of editing screenshots. First, by using the built-in Preview app, and second, by using Simplified’s graphic design tool for editing and more!

So if you’re ready to learn how to edit screenshots on Mac like a pro, let’s dive in!

Source: Unsplash ( Screenshot on a blue background )

Related: Everything You Need To Know About iOS App Screenshot Sizes And Guidelines

Expert Tips and Tricks to Edit Mac Screenshots

Editing screenshots on Mac can be a breeze with the right tools and techniques. Whether you’re a graphic designer or a content creator, these expert tips and tricks can help you achieve professional-looking results in your screenshot editing tasks.

1. Simplify the process with the right tool

Using a tool like Simplified’s graphic design tool can make editing screenshots on Mac incredibly easy. With its intuitive interface and AI-powered functionalities, Simplified allows you to add annotations, crop images, add text and branding elements, and perform a range of other editing functions quickly and easily.

2. Utilize keyboard shortcuts for faster editing

Mac offers a range of keyboard shortcuts that can help you speed up the editing process. For example, you can use Command + Shift + 4 to take a screenshot and open it in Preview for editing. You can also use Command + Shift + 5 to access the screenshot toolbar and choose from a range of editing options.

Source: Pexels

3. Get creative with filters and effects

Adding filters and effects to your screenshots can make them stand out and look more creative. Experiment with different filters and effects to find the ones that work best for your project. You can access a range of filters and effects in the Preview app and other third-party editing tools.

4. Use shapes and arrows to draw attention

Adding shapes and arrows to your screenshots can help draw attention to important elements and make them more engaging for viewers. You can easily add shapes and arrows in the Preview app by selecting the relevant tool from the markup toolbar.

5. Save time with automation tools

If you find yourself editing screenshots on a regular basis, consider using automation tools to save time. For example, you can use an automator to create a workflow that automatically saves your edited screenshots to a specific folder or converts them to a different file format.

2 Methods for Getting the Perfect Screenshots

Method 1: Edit a screenshot with Preview on Mac

Preview is a built-in app on Mac that can be used to view and edit multiple file formats with ease.

Here’s how to edit a screenshot on Mac using Preview:

Step 1: Open Preview on your Mac and select the screenshot you want to edit.

Step 2: Click on the “Show Markup Toolbar” option on the top-right section of the screen to open a drop-down menu displaying all the editing tools.

You can use different-shaped selection tools, remove backgrounds with Instant Alpha, use sketching tools, draw shapes, and add text or signatures to your screenshot.

Step 3: Once you’re done editing, click the “File” tab and select “Save” to save your edited screenshot.

While Preview is an efficient tool for basic editing, it is limited in its capabilities compared to other editing tools on the market. Users cannot convert their images into different file formats or create GIFs.

Method 2: Edit a screenshot with Simplified’s graphic design tool

Simplified’s graphic design tool is a dedicated platform that provides advanced editing features for different file formats. Here are some top-rated features of Simplified:

  1. AI-powered functionalities, such as instant AI art generation
  2. An easy-to-use interface
  3. An all-in-one creative suite with AI-powered tools for writing, graphic design, and video editing
Source: Simplified

Related: Creating A Global Preview Link For Anyone To Duplicate Design

Here’s how to edit a screenshot on Mac using Simplified’s graphic design tool:

Step 1: Go to Simplified’s graphic design tool page.

Step 2: Import your screenshot.

Step 3: Perform different editing functions, such as adding annotations, cropping, adding text, adding branding elements, etc.

Step 4: Convert your image to your preferred format and download.

Simplified’s graphic design tool can help you achieve professional-looking results. With its user-friendly platform and advanced editing features, you can enhance your skills and take your screenshot editing to the next level.


In conclusion, editing screenshots on Mac can be a breeze with the right tools and techniques. Whether you use the built-in Preview app or opt for a more advanced editing tool like Simplified, there are plenty of ways to achieve professional-looking results. By following the expert tips and tricks shared in this article, you can take your screenshot editing skills to the next level and create visually appealing images that will capture your audience’s attention.

If you’re looking for an all-in-one graphic design tool with AI-powered functionalities, Simplified is a great option. It offers an easy-to-use interface, a wide range of creative templates, and features like instant AI art generation that can take your designs to the next level. With Simplified, you can streamline your workflow and save time on your design projects. So why not give it a try today?

Upgrade your screenshot game with Simplified!

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Shubham Kulkarni
Design, Write, Edit videos, and Publish Content. Built For Teams.

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